lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Uh Oh Spaghetti O!

When someone falls behind from the group while walking in a forest, it usually has a negative effect.  In my opinion, negative things can always turn into positive things; at least that is what happens in Slaughterhouse 5.  While Roland Weary and Bill Pilgrim try to catch up to the group, German soldiers begin to shoot at them.  The soldiers captured Pilgrim and Weary, and killed the two remaining soldiers.  While being captured Weary had to give all his belongings to the german soldiers while the soldiers gave him theirs.  During this process the captain was cleaning and polishing his boots when Adam and Eve reflected off them.  Could "Adam and Eve" be a symbol? Will they appear in the rest of the book? Only time will tell.  In the beginning of Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut tells about his companion when he was in Dresden, O'Hare.  Is it possible that O'Hare and Weary are the same person? It's possible because Bill and Weary are both captured together and are taken to Dresden together.  When they both arrive to the cottage they see about 20 other americans.

Once again Pilgrim begins to daydream (what a surprise) and wakes up in 1967 as a 44 year old man.  He is in his optometry office with a female patient that stands up and leaves.  He begins to observe his surroundings and sees that he owns a very nice car.  When a siren starts to sound Pilgrim begins to freak out because he think World War Three will start at any minute. Wow this dude is paranoid!

He is rudely waken up and is told to keep walking.  While thinking about 1967 the soldiers make him reenact the capture so that the German media could take pictures.  He starts to daydream (again) about his perfect rich life in 1967. His son is a sergeant in a present-day war and his daughter, Barbara, is about to get married.  While driving to a restaurant in Ilium, NY he drives by the ghetto and sees the similarities it has with Dresden, Germany.  When he arrives to the restaurant he is named President of the Lion Clubs and then wakes up in Luxembourg.  I don't understand how the Germans let Billy live.  He kept bumping into everyone due to his daydreaming and injured leg.  I am extremely surprised they didn't murder him.

While on the march he met a man named Bob, a colonel with pneumonia.  He was telling everyone to remember him as "Wild Bob" and that if they were ever in Wyoming to ask for him.  They are transported to a train where they didn't move for two days.  "Wild Bob" had died while on the unmoving train and the soldiers brought a cotton stretcher and took him out of the cart.  On Christmas night the train starts to move and he begins to think of 1967.  That night he is kidnapped by a flying saucer from Trafalmadore.

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