lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Worst Ending of My Life!

The ending of Slaughterhouse Five definitely did not meet my expectations.  The novel is full of things that keep the reader hooked like Trafalmadore, World War Two, and his continuous flashbacks.  How could they end it on such a mellow note? Everyone ends up dying which made me depressed.  Instead of making the people die while fighting for something, Vonnegut made them die just because.  It seems like he just ran out of ideas, which is something that you should not let the reader know or think while reading your book.
"When she arrived at the hospital,  people rushed to the windows to see what all the noise was. The Cadillac, with both mufflers gone, sounded like a heavy bomber coming in on a wing and a prayer. Valencia turned off the engine, but then she slumped against the steering wheel, and the horn brayed steadily. A doctor and a nurse ran out to find out what the trouble was. Poor Valencia was unconscious, overcome by carbon monoxide." (p.234)
So while on her way to visit her husband, she gets into a car accident that destroyed her exhaust system.  She keeps driving and when she finally gets to the hospital, she dies! HOW DEPRESSING! Why didn't Vonnegut keep it interesting by saying, "Valencia left her house immediately and took the Cadillac.  While speeding on the highway so that she could see her husband before he died or became a vegetable, a semi-truck ran into her and killed her." I know it sounds extremely cruel, but at least Valencia's life would have had a good ending.  Her death isn't the only boring one.  Everyone on the plane died although Billy had the chance to keep it from taking off! He brags about being on Trafalmadore and having been able to see the future. So, why didn't he stop it?! He even knows how he is going to die! He is in a crowd because he had just finished his speech about Trafalmadore and he tells his body guards to go home. He knows someone is going to try to shoot him so why didn't he tell his body guards to stay with him?! Does he really hate life so much that he wants to die and make everyone around him die as well? The only man who actually had an entertaining end was Derby. He got shot by a firing squad while in Dresden.  Vonnegut should have kept his excitement for the ending of everyone else's lives.  With all the excitement occurring, the ending would have been a lot more intense and worth reading.

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